A place for you! Chair-Exhibition 
          21st may – 26th september 1999
Local history
Base of strategy of development of the collection was exhibition of local historical processes after World War II. The collection was intended to cover the entire area of the country to the utmost possible extent. Centres of production of furniture were emphasized in this work. An appropriate number of objects were intended to represent products of known centres and chronological changes of furniture (forms, styles, etc.) in the collection. This resulted in huge series sometimes exceeding a century from the objects of the same workshops.

„The chart, drawn on the basis of the dated furniture of the Museum of Ethnography, is fairly significant, since its break-points… coincide with the major changes detected in the styles of Hungarian folk furniture…”
„...the abrupt increase in the quantity of dated pieces of furniture at the end of the 18th century can be primarily explained by the stimulating effect of the price increases of the corn boom caused by the wars at the end of the 18th century and the Napoleonic wars. Thus the remarkable increase in the number of dated furniture can be considered as an innovation caused by improving living standards – which in our case may mean that the so-far home-made pieces of furniture or the pieces fabricated by unskilled craftsmen were replaced by ones bought from joiners, and on the other hand the purchase of made-to-order furniture…”

K. Csilléry Klára: Statisztikai vizsgálatok a magyar népi bútorok történetéhez. [Statistical Research for the History of Hungarian Folk Furniture.] Ház és Ember 3. 1985, 188., 192–193. p.

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Museum of Ethnography 1999