
X. Bethlehem Crib Exhibition

4/Dec/2003 - 11/Jan/2004
The shaping and collecting of the artworks of the exhibition happened in an open competition. Hungarian handworkers also from beyond the frontiers, artisans, artists, professional and amateur creators, individuals and collectives equally could enter; with their Bethlehem scenic and works regarding to the birth of Jesus.


Advisors of the Hungarian Cultural Institution?s Applied Arts Council, experts of the Advisory Office for Fine and Applied Arts and the Museum of Ethnography, and representatives of the Public Education Department of the National Cultural Heritage Ministry and the Cistercian St. Emeric Parish-Church of Buda were called upon to qualify the artworks.

The exhibition fits well into the museum's other events in connection with Christmas (international Bethlehem meeting, Advent handicraft fair), makes it more complete, in addition offer a base and opportunity for the museum to start such a scientific survey which aims to cognize the custom of Betlehem-making and its ethnical exploration.

"For Hungarian Craftsmanship" Foundation
Hungarian National Artistic Handicraft Association
Handicraft Division of BKIK
Museum of Ethnography

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